Schedule a Tour (208) 806-2880 Mid-Year transfers available for some classes for 2024/2025
A Tuition Free Public Charter School

Daniel Edwards

Daniel grew up in rural southern Idaho. He attended CSI and started his journey majoring in Computer Engineering. He has held a multitude of jobs across the spectrum from website programming, call center tech support, and even a Level 2 Quality Assurance Tester for a game company in southern California.

Daniel now fixes all things technical at Syringa Mountain School as well as holding the front desk down, and helping with typing, literacy, and math. If you or your child has had an issue with a device at Syringa, Daniel has probably fixed it. He is most likely fixing something right now. Don’t mistreat your Chromebooks!

Fun Facts about Mr. Daniel:
•He graduated valedictorian and scored a perfect 36 on his Science ACT.
•He is passionate about his grizzly beard!


Keep on collecting your ECOTHON PLEDGES we are collecting through the end of the week. Our ultimate goal is to keep on collecting and every dollar counts. Everyone lets work together to reach our goals!

One great way to share is to use Facebook to promote your Ecothon to family afar. Here is our link to the Ecothon to make online pledges:

5th Yoga Retreat

Syringa Mountain School is pleased to present their 5th Yoga Retreat, this year held at Trinity Hot Springs November 8-10th.

What you Get:

  • 4 Sessions of Yoga lead by Tener Rogers and Gabby Rivelo
    • Evening Session on Friday
    • 2 sessions on Saturday
    • 1 Sunday Morning Session
  • 5 Nourishing Meals from Friday Dinner- Sunday Breakfast. (Alcohol not included)
  • 2 Nights lodging at Trinity Hot Springs:
    • Lodge Rooms are up to 3 people occupancy (link to rooms)
    • Cabin Lodging (link to cabin 9) Two Double Beds
    • If you prefer double or single occupancy – additional fees apply- email Tenaya
  • Unlimited Soaking at Trinity Hot Springs-
    • Hot Springs is open to the public during the weekend regular hours.
    • Soaking after hours is permitted by lodging guests.

Registration Opens Sept 27th

  • Early Bird Pricing Until October 15th:
    • $325 Per Person (in lodge rooms)
    • $1400 Group Rate for 4-person Private Cabin

Can’t Come?  Donate a spot to a teacher!

Payment needs to be made on or before Oct 15th for early bird pricing.  All other payments need to be made by November 7th. Refunds not available after OCT 25th. If you can not attend- contact Tenaya Kolar and you may donate your spot to a teacher.
All money raised in excess of expenses will be donated back to Syringa Mountain School. Tax receipt donations will be emailed (amounts determined after the event) divided evenly amongst attendees.

Checks made out to Syringa Parent Council and mailed to 4021 Glenbrook Dr. Hailey ID 83333, or dropped by the front office. To pay with a card: after you sign up, Tenaya will issue you an invoice via PayPal. All credit card payments will incur a 2.7% fee.

Shawn Myers

Shawn was born and raised in the Wood River Valley and has a rich family history in this area dating back many generations. She was a Wood River High graduate and received her Elementary Education degree from Boise State University. After college, she did some teaching and some traveling and finally came back to the valley to raise a family. She has two sons that were raised here and are Wood River High graduates as well. Shawn loves all this valley has to offer and truly appreciates each season here. She is happiest in the mountains either exploring, running trails, hiking, camping, or skiing.  Shawn says she has found her dream job teaching at Syringa and feels blessed to be a part of such a dynamic community.

Musical Performance

Dear Syringa Families,

Please mark your calendars for a special concert for grades 4-7, June 5th at 6 pm right here in our Heart Space. The students have worked so hard all semester and have moved me to tears with their noble interpretations of the music.
The Community Campus auditorium was booked for an all-school spring concert, but other large groups have 1st dibs if needed. We got bumped, so to speak. We are making the best of it by having classes perform at their plays, at Mayfair, during the last day of school celebration, and on June 5th.
Each student is an integral part of our music and attendance is mandatory, as this is our only chance to culminate the work of the semester into a polished performance. Performing is a key component of studying music and gives the students a chance to be appreciated for their efforts. Students should arrive at 5:40 to tune. Students should dress up!
PLEASE have your child play (practice) for you at home every day between now and then.
I am so proud of the efforts of each student in the class and am excited to have them share their beauty with all of you.
See you all next Wednesday!
Erin Storey