12 Mar 2025

Winter Temperature & Weather Guidelines

As it’s getting colder outside, please review our guidelines for students who arrive prior to school start at 8:00am. These guidelines are also used for recess time during the day.

A gentle reminder that we offer supervision outside from 7:45am – 8:00am. Parents may drop off children earlier at their own discretion – understanding that supervision does not occur until 7:45am. School starts at 8:00am.

Winter Temperature Guidelines:

Temperature is monitored by the main office.

  •  If temperature is 20 degrees or above, all students are to be outside.  Exceptions are for students who have a note from either a doctor or parent.  Teachers are to retain these notes and let the person on duty know which students have permission to stay in. If a student has permission to stay in, they are to find a spot at a table in the Heart Space and work quietly on homework, have breakfast, read or have other quiet activities to do.
  • If temperature is between 0 degrees and 19 degrees, then students have a choice of being inside or outside.  When students choose to beinside, they are to be either in the Heart Space at a table/seat or in the classroom with teacher approval.  Students are to bring something to do during these times.  Reading, coloring, and drawing are some activities they may choose to do while in the Heart Space.  Students are to follow common space quiet time rules when in the Heart Space and/or classroom.  When students choose to be outside, they need to wear a hat/earmuffs, coat and gloves.
  • If temperature is below 0 degrees or rain inhibits sight and creates muddy conditions beyond safety, all students are to be inside.  Students may be in the Heart Space or classroom during this time.